The Mike Behind Mike Squad Coaching:

Academic Background: Michael (Mike) spent his entire life with two passions. 1. Healthcare and 2. Sport. In high school, Michael spent much of time running in the mornings and shadowing physicians in the evenings. In college, Michael started racing triathlon while also getting a pre-med degree in Physiology. However, Michael’s Medical School Dream was put on hold when a new dream was pursued, Professional Triathlon. Now multiple years later, Michael’s passions are the same, as coaching and medicine can be seen as two points of the same line. While medicine is about helping people from dysfunctional to functional, coaching is about helping people from functional to optimal. Despite a pre-med education and an MBA in Health Care Administration, Michael’s focus continues to be on his own personal goals in racing, and the coaching of other athletes with the same pursuit of betterment of self through sport.

Sport Background: Originally a basketball player, Michael switched focus to running in high school, then further shifted his focus to triathlon in college, thus learning to swim at a very late age! He slowly rose through the collegiate club ranks and earned a pro card just before graduation with a podium at Collegiate Nationals. He has now raced internationally dozens of times between the draft legal World Triathlon circuit, Super League Triathlon, and Ironman/PTO events. Now entering his 8th season as a pro, Michael’s focus continues to be on reaching the top of the sport, and enjoying the journey along the way.

Coaching Philosophy -: At the most fundamental level, the Mike Squad Coaching Philosophy boils down to sport being both an “art” and a “science”. The “science” is coming from the multitude of foundational human sciences like biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, and psychology to the more integrated/applied exercise sciences like biomechanics, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, etc. We believe it is necessary to have a robust understanding in these sciences to derive the basis of training through. Without this understanding, it is impossible to respond to complex situations unique to each athlete such injuries, metabolism/race fueling, recovery methods, form/technique of each sport, and plenty of other questions that arise in the sport of triathlon.

However, the beauty of sport it that is more than science! Viewing sport as an “art” accommodates the idea that the complexity of human motivation and passion is beyond the simplicities of “science”. This is seen when athletes push themselves to a newfound level in races, or finding ways to get their training in despite a crazy life of work, family, and friends. Coaching with consideration for the “art” side of sport involves understanding who the athlete is OUTSIDE of the sport. Understanding these “pillars” of life, such as family, work, significant other, hobbies, etc, help to effectively allocate time toward the pillar of sport. THEN deriving the “science” of coaching to best build a plan unique to the individual is what separates proper coaching from a simple training plan.

The Squad: Mike Squad Triathlon Coaching is a group comprised of athletes from all skill levels, ages and demographics. We have a common focus on enjoying the process and making the most of the sport. Mike Squad has led post-collegiate NCAA runners to become elite level swimmers, as well as post-collegiate swimmers to speedy (and healthy) runners! We have led athletes ranging from no sport background to multiple pros and Kona qualifiers, and everything in between! As well as this, these athletes have consisted of students, professors, mothers, fathers, pilots, engineers, teachers, programmers, nuclear engineers, and just about everything else. While some squad members simply enjoy the conversations of our group messages, others prioritize linking up for various races and training camps. For those wanting triathlon to be more than an individual sport, having a squad makes it seem like more of a team! Check out more about what some of the squad has said and see if you’d fit in.