
Personal Triathlon Coaching:

Having a coach is more than just personally prescribed workouts and macrocycles to help prep you for your races. It is having access to someone to adjust the plan when life demands call for it. It allows for an open communication line to ask questions, provide feedback, provide encouragement and accountability. Finally it promotes the concept that triathlon is no longer an individual sport, it is two individuals working as a team for a common goal.

There is no gold/silver/bronze etc plan. If I am in your corner, then I am in your corner, and ill put in as much as you put in.

*single sport coaching available upon request

$160/4 weeks

Training Plan:

The training plan is a series of 4 week blocks with a progressive build and a recovery week designed around an athlete’s specified race. (12 week minimum) Include’s testing to calculate zones than appropriate workouts to follow. Athletes will fill out a questionnaire then will have a consultation call to discuss plans moving forward. *Training Plan is 12+ weeks up front and does not change based on life variables.

I always recommend personal coaching though unless all you really want is workouts.